The next time you’re in Virginia, be sure to stop by historic Salem. First explored by Europeans 64 years after Jamestown, Salem was settled in the 1700s, and developed as a town serving travelers along the Great Road westward in 1802, the history of a community within the context of state, national, and world events.
Salem City tells a story of every American city touched by wars, economic upheavals, and civic challenges, as well as a few healing, helping hands along the way. The way Salem and its residents faced the world in which they have found themselves over the years makes their history distinctive, and worth a closer look.
The story of Salem comes to life with a visit to the well known Salem Museum. Located in the historic William-Brown House, the Museum serves the community by “preserving the past, informing the future.” Through exhibits, programs, special events and preservation, the Salem Historical Society keeps the past of Salem and the Roanoke Valley alive.
The Salem Museum is larger than it looks, with exhibits on five floors. At the heart of the Museum is the 1845 Williams-Brown House. Exhibits trace Salem’s history from early Virginia Indian settlements and Salem’s founding in 1802, to Salem’s involvement in the Civil War plus more recent history that everyone is sure to enjoy.
For over forty years, the Salem Historical Society has been dedicated to the mission of “preserving the past, informing the future.” The beautiful Williams-Brown House was built in 1845 with 2010 addition and renovation. The Museum is a vital part of the cultural landscape that hosts exciting exhibits, educational programs, school visits and city-wide events.
Adjacent are two historic cemeteries dating back to the late 1860s, picnic areas, and a playground where children can run off steam. Ample free parking. Take a walking tour of historic Salem, and enjoy lunch at the White Oak Tea Tavern located in Salem’s oldest home, which is owned and maintained by the Salem Museum.
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